Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Adventure's of Potty Training

So Addison has been interested in her big girl underwear one because it's minnie mouse and two because she can put them on herself and take them off herself. Well this morning I thought why the heck not let's put her big girl underwear on and work on this potty training thing since we are not going anywhere today....what a frustrating thing potty training is! I put the timer on for 20 minutes and every 20 minutes we would go try to use the potty. Well she tooted several times but no pee!!!! Trust me I was pumping this girl full of water just so she would have to go! But boy do I have a stubborn daughter! She did not go pee until I finally put her diaper on so we could run to town. Yep it was soaked! Then she peed once in her big girl underwear. For some reason Trav thinks this whole process should not be messy.
He was yelling from the kitchen babe she wet herself can you come get her and clean this up? She got it every where. Yes Trav I know that's why it's called potty training. Men they are so funny...right there just to point out the obvious.

Well we will continue this journey but just so you all know I have no patience so let me tell you what a frustrating day it had been for me by noon!

Wish me luck!

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