Friday, February 12, 2010

Polar Plunge

So I finally got some pics back from the polar plunge last saturday!!! Just so every one knows that is one of the coldest things I have ever experienced. I don't think I ever felt that cold when I lived in Jackson! I would have prefered to have went under in the deep end but oh no we had to do it in the shallow end! So we only got in a little bit higher then waist deep!

There were 18 people on team Lithia and we were group #2- Thank god we didn't have to wait in the cold that long either:) They did have industrial heaters pumping into in the lockers room so it felt like a nice hot sauna in there:) After we were done they had hot soup and hot coffee / cocoa from Starbucks! That made it all worth it:)
Actually seeing the special olympics athletes and how happy they were made jumping into that frigid cold pool all worth it:)

I could not get warm that whole day! We even sat in a hot tub and I was freezing! If you look at the pictures real good you will see Trav climbing out as fast as he could! Yep it was just flat out cold!

Thank you to everyone that donated to help us out and jump into that cold cold pool:)

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