Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baby Contest

Do I look happy to you right now???

Yesterday we entered Addison in the Baby Blossom Contest for quickest smile. Well anyone that knows Addison knows that she has a smile on her face all the time so I thought well we have this one in the bag. Yeah not so much. By the time the contest actually started Monkey was ready for a nap so when we got up to the judges she had no interest in them or smiling at them. Trav at that time said we probably should have put her in bluest eyes....How the heck was I to know she would choose that moment in time for nap time? But if I would have put her in Bluest eyes the sweet baby would have napped them too:) Oh well. She did get a call back for Baby Blossom but by then it was lunch time and she just had this look like really can't we just be done???? There were so many babies there!! We got there at 8:30 in the morning and we didn't leave until about noon! Too long of a morning for the monkey. Well she didn't win but she will still be in the parade for Milo and Lily. That's more exciting anyway because we will get to show off some clothes and keep them:)
Anyway here are a few pics from yesterdays contest plus pictures of her new shoes....tell me do I have the cutest baby or whtat?

1 comment:

Ky~ said...

what a bunch of losers - she won they just were lame judges that didn't know how to make the kid smile....