Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back from Utah

At the Portland Airport

We made it back from Utah this week. We went to go see my mamma in Ogden. It was a fun but short trip! My sister, her hubby and my nephew were there. My grammy also traveled with me from Oregon to be with all of us. It has been such a long time since it's been all of us at mom's house. I loved watching Kai and Addison hang out. They will have so much fun together when they get older. They will be partners in crime just like Cariann and I were with our cousins! I bought tons of bows and headbands for Addison in Utah. They love big bows there and you can't get them any where here! She is adorable in them! What crazy weather it is there. Saturday was beautiful and sunny, Sunday was snowing almost all day! I couldn't believe how cold it was! It was crazy to see the change in temp so fast!!!!

Poor Monkey on our last day ran a temp of 102.2 most of the day but you would never had known it. I was dreading the plane ride home but she did great! Got home and found out the next day that she still has a double ear infection! So let me tell you what a lucky mommy I am to have such a good little girl. She did not scream once on the plane or act like her ears hurt! Made it easy on Grammy and I:)

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