Monday, October 27, 2008


Addison was grumpy most of all last week due to a cold she got from the pumpkin patch:( On Sunday she cried most of the day and kept pulling on her ear. I thought that this was an ear infection but when we took her to the doctor today, the doctor said her ears were pink but it was probably from teething not a ear infection. I swear to you that my baby cried for literaly almost all of Sunday but when we got her to the doctor she turned on her charm and smiled her big smile. It was like look Doc do you know what they are making a big deal about cause I don't. Yet as soon as we left the fussing started all over again...So I tell you what does any first time mommy do when she is told her baby is just freaking out because she is teething? We go to the store and load up on any teething toy we can get our hands on to, get baby oral gel and pamper the princess!!! Yes I know I went overboard but I do not like my baby upset. I'm a push over.

1 comment:

djtrim said...

boy she growing up way to fast she got her mom rap up around her lil' finger lol love yo guys great pics. again love dad/papa