Thursday, October 1, 2009

Adventures of a one year old.....

Life with a one year keeps you so busy!!! My grandma emailed me today to ask if I still use my blog page. Yes of course I do but it's a lot more complicated to fit in time when you are chasing a busy one year old around:) my iPhone has made most of my life easier and I can do stuff like on facebook, count my calories and check my bank account on the go now so I pretty much eliminated my home computer from my life since I have apps that I can use now:)!!!! I still am trying to find time to work out but I guess chasing my baby is a good work out and more fun!!!! Addison has discovered the phone:) She got her own "cell phone"- it's just a play one but don't ever tell her that:) we are going to be in so much trouble with the phone bill when she gets older!!!

So update on our lives...2 weeks ago we took monkey to her first Oregon Ducks game and she loved!!! We shut Utah down and win the game in the pouring rain!!! Monkey loved every minute of it and some how she managed to sleep all fourth quarter until the last second she woke up to cheer on the ducks!!! That's my girl:) now she thinks when she sees a football game that she needs to yell really loud!!! Nope honey we only do that at the game:)

Addison goes to swim class twice a week and she is living it except for today...poor monkey puked in the pool and they had to shut the baby pool down:( I felt so bad! I swear the parents were glaring at me!!!! It's not my fault the pool was too hot for her!

Well monkey I think is officially a destructive baby!!! First I put her down for bed one night only to notice that her crib looks funny on her top bar...oh yeah my sweet baby started chewing on her crib like a beaver!!! It's so crazy and she keeps doing it!! I'm told it because she is teething. I swear they need to come with a owners manual:) Last Saturday I went to get her out of her bed from her nap and she had the biggest smile on her face and her wall paper border in her bed!!!! Yep she pulled it all down from the wall her crib is against! I was just shocked she managed to do that!!!!! I guess it's time to redecorate her room:)

On a side note I didn't reall tell anyone but I had a mole removed and it came back precancerous. Thankfully they removed it all and I am ok but a little i guess now I am a bigger freak about sunscreen:)

love ya all!!!!

Last but not least my baby loves watching dancing with the stars!!! It's her favorite:) she is going to be a dancer!!! Mommy loves it!! Here comes my little dancer/ cheerleader!!!! I would post pics but my iPhone can't do that yet but I will post soon:)

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