Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

We finally got our computer working again and when I say we I mean Travis:)

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years! Our Christmas was awesome as it was Addion's first christmas. She loved the paper but got mad at me when I took that away from her. She kept eating it, not the healthiest for her:) She got tons of cool stuff, I need a toy box now for her. Her favorite is Guess What Elmo that her auntie Cari got her. She loves on Elmo, gives him hugs and kisses!

New Years was boring, I was in bed by 9:30 due to the liitle monkey being up all night the night before. Ttav played his Wii until 1:00 am and came to bed. How's that for an old married couple with a baby? Yep our idea of fun!!!

Well Addison has been siiting up by herself for a week now! My baby is getting so big! On Tuesday she starts swim class so I will keep you posted on how she does!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

The Mathews said...

I love Addison's smile! It's infectious! We were in bed on new years by 10! Hahaha! Now I don't feel as lame! We set our alarm for midnight so we could kiss at midnight and I don't think either of us remember waking up to do it! Now onto the rest of the year! Can't wait to see more of the Drennan's!