Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome Baby Addison!

Saturday July 12th I checked into the hospital at 5:00 pm sharp to be induced. I was so excited and nervous but ready to be induced and to get going so I could meet my baby only to find out that my doctor was in the middle of delivering a set of twins! So I had to wait until 8:30 pm for my doctor to finally come into my room and induce me. A half hour later I was feeling the contractions!!! I will not lie to anyone they hurt bad and I don't wish that pain on anyone. I tried to jacuzzi tub and at first it relaxed me enough that I wasn't feeling the pain but after 30 minutes that had worn off and I finally got out. The contractions were coming pretty fast and I found out that my body had taken over and the medicine was no longer needed. My contractions got really strong and were right on top of each other with out a break but the good news was I was dilating fast and they were sure my baby girl was going to be born early in the morning (little did they know how right they were going to be). Finally at 2 am in the morning I could no longer take the contractions with out any medicine and I was dilated to 4 cm and they told me I could have the epidural!!!!!!! Can I just say that I love Dr. Hall for giving me the wonderful medicine that took all that pain away:) Once I received the epidural I found out that during my contractions my baby girl was not getting a break and was in distress even after the contractions. My doctor and nurse thought that once I had the epidural my body would relax and the baby could get a break from my contractions. This did not happen so they gave me some medicine to make my contractions stop but they were not stopping. The baby's heart rate kept dropping and all of a sudden I had about 4 nurses in my room moving me in different positions to get her heart rate to be stable. My doctor came in about 3 am in the morning to break my water to see if that would help when it didn't I got another dose of the medicine to stop my contractions. My nurses kept switching me positions and even putting oxygen on me to get to the baby but she was still in distress. At 4 am my doctor came in to tell me that we needed to get the baby out and that I would be having a C-Section. They gave Travis scrubs to put on and prepped me for my C-Section. Thank god for Travis because I was so out of it from my epidural they explained everything to him. They took me first into the operating room and prepped me, again Dr. Hall came into to give me the good drugs to make me numb:) He has the best sense of humor and kept me and Travis calm through the whole procedure. They brought Travis in and sat him next to me. It took about 10-15 minutes to get the baby and finally they pulled her out! Travis got to see the whole thing but I remember hearing her cry for the first time and it made me cry. I really didn't get to see her but they took her over to clean up and gave her to Travis. I kept asking me what she looked like and he kept saying she was beautiful. Trav took her back to the room while I finished getting stitched up. We didn't name her right away but we decided on Addison Taylor Drennan she was born at 4:57 am on July 13th, she weight 7 lbs. 12 oz and was 19 and 3/4 inches long. She is perfect as they come......

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